Monday 15 March 2010

2010-3-15 (session 6): Group Activities 1: What is educational research?

What does educational research mean to you?

Educational research is research conducted to investigate behavioral patterns in pupils, students, teachers and other participants in schools and other educational institutions. Such research is often conducted by examining work products such as documents and standardized test results. (Wikipedia)

Contribution from Joe:

Purdue OWL the educational technology journal

The Journal: transforming education through technology

Contribution from Sharon:

Educational Research Journal

Educational Research Journal (issue and volume, details)

Taylor&Francis Group Website

JITE (Journal Name)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think educational research relates to finding out about the effectiveness of educational practices, the impact they are having on learning and idetifying ways to improve practice and ultimately student outcomes. (Joe)

  3. I think this is a good educational journal even though it is not as formal as some other well known journals. The reason I like this one is that I have seen Jamie McKenzie speak a number of times and respect his views on education and the use of IT. It is also a good example of a resource that comes as much from a practitioner as from a researcher.

  4. Here is another less formal journal
    It is more of a magazine as opposed to academic journal which I think will appeal to many educators.

    It is important that there are referneces to more 'formal' research articles to validate the ideas being presented.

  5. Here is a voicethread about Blogs

  6. Here is a reference to a site that has lots of information about research and includes a good outline of the APA citation guide.

  7. (Sharon)I'd like to recommend a journal named Educational Research.

    Educational Research, the journal of the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), was established in 1958. Drawing upon research projects in universities and research centres worldwide, it is the leading international forum for informed thinking on issues of contemporary concern in education.

    The journal is of interest to academics, researchers and those people concerned with mediating research findings to policy makers and practitioners.

    Educational Research has a broad scope and contains research studies, reviews of research, discussion pieces, short reports and book reviews in all areas of the education field.

    The wide coverage allows discussion of topical issues and policies affecting education institutions worldwide. Subjects Educational Research has recently covered include:

    * assessment
    * education policy
    * students' attitudes
    * study support
    * social deprivation
    * special educational needs
    * school culture
    * teachers' image of themselves
    * bullying

  8. You could find more details about this journal from the web:

  9. (Sharon) Educational research, or Education Research, should be academic research conducted related to education. And this research has a wide range of directions aiming at various levels of education. It considers education as a specific area having its own specifications but also share commons with other areas in this society.

    You could find sub-areas included in the education research in Taylor&Francis Group Website in the following:

  10. (Sharon) Another journal is JITE.

    The academically peer refereed Journal of Information Technology Education (JITE) endeavors to improve IT Education around the world, as shown in our mission statement.

    JITE is published in print annually in a single volume by subscription and its articles also appear online as accepted free of charge. This arrangement provides authors with the widest possible readership while ensuring that their papers are fully accepted as bona fide.
